Having an internal knock through or wall removal in UK construction can cause significant disruption to the building and its occupants. Some of the main sources of disruption include:

Noise: The process of removing a wall can be noisy, and it’s important to consider the impact on the building’s occupants and to take steps to minimize noise pollution.

Dust: The process of removing a wall can generate a significant amount of dust, and it’s important to consider the impact on the building’s occupants and to take steps to minimize dust pollution.

Access: Access to parts of the building may be restricted during the knock through or wall removal process, and it’s important to consider the impact on the building’s occupants and to plan for alternative access routes where necessary.

Services: Services, including electrical and plumbing, may be disrupted during the knock through or wall removal process, and it’s important to consider the impact on the building’s occupants and to plan for alternative services where necessary.

Live-in: If the building is occupied, it’s important to consider the impact on the occupants and to take steps to minimize disruption, including ensuring that adequate alternative accommodation is available where necessary.

Schedule: The schedule for the knock through or wall removal may need to be adjusted to minimize disruption, and it’s important to work closely with the builder and other professionals involved in the project to ensure that the project is completed on time and with minimal disruption.

It’s important to carefully consider the impact of the knock through or wall removal on the building and its occupants and to take steps to minimize disruption where possible. Additionally, it’s important to work with experienced professionals to ensure that the project is completed efficiently and with minimal disruption.